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  • Project Manager

    работа в Киеве
    Заработная плата: 0 USD
    Добавлено: 2008-01-22 18:36:46

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    UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is the world’s largest international source of funding and technical assistance for population and reproductive health programmes.

    UNFPA announces a vacancy of a Project manager:

    Duties and Responsibilities: Under the overall guidance of the UNFPA Country Director, and direct supervision of the UNFPA Assistant Representative, the incumbent will organize and perform all activities necessary for the successful implementation of the UNFPA-managed project "Support to Distribution of Harm Reduction Commodities among Vulnerable Groups in Ukraine" (hereinafter the "Project"), in the following areas of responsibility:

    Project Integration:

    Provides significant support to the UNFPA Country Office inprogramming processes for the effective integration of the Project into the UN and UNFPA' strategic frameworks: CCA/UNDAF, CPD, CPAP and AWPs, including desk reviews, situation analysis, briefings, presentations, participation in strategic meetings, providing thematic inputs to the strategic and programmatic documents and development of relevant interventions.

    Serves as a liaison between the Project and the UNFPA Country Programme, ensures the Project is duly aligned with the UNFPA Country Programme.

    Participates actively in the meetings of the UN Country Team, UNFPA Country Office, development missions, national partners and donor community on matters related to the implementation of the Project and development of complementary interventions, and ensures the availability of required documentation.

    Collects, analyzes and provides to partners Project-related data and information to be used for UN and UNFPA programming purposes, provides Project-related inputs to the UNFPA Country Programme reporting documents, both narrative and indicator-related.

    Project Implementation:

    Liaises and interacts will all partners, vendors and service providers within the Project on all matters related to the Project implementation for the successful and efficient implementation of all activities planned under the Project.

    Coordinates the Project activities with the activities of other stakeholders working in the same area in order to avoid activity duplication and ensure cost effectiveness of the Project implementation.

    Prepares, updates, implements and monitors the calendar activity plans for the Project based on the approved annual work plan.

    Analyzes the Project implementation, identifies possible implementation obstacles and suggests solutions, reports on the Project implementation to the UNFPA Assistant Representative and UNFPA programme and operations personnel.

    Ensures visibility of the Project implementation through public relations, advocacy, working with the mass media and other communications activities.

    Prepares and submits to the UNFPA Country Office the Project reporting documents, including the monthly management reports, standard progress report, annual work plan monitoring tool, CPAP planning and tracking tool, financial expenditure reports etc.

    Provides inputs to the Project annual work plans, organizes and participates in the Project review exercises, provides suggestions to the UNFPA Country Office for improving Project performance.
    Managerial functions:

    Effectively applies, with due integrity and diligence, current UNFPA policies and procedures related to programming and operations (administration, finance, procurement, human resources).

    Organizes and supervises the work of the Project personnel and office.

    Provides overall coordination and administration of the Project activities to ensure that the implementation of the Project complies with the relevant work plans and budgets.

    Manages and supervises programme and operations activities of the Project implementation, including financial and human resources management.

    Establishes and regularly maintains effective communications between all Project stakeholders.
    Prepares, verifies and enters Project related transactions into UNFPA management information system(s).

    Regularly communicates with and gives advice to the UNFPA Country Office in Ukraine on all matters related to the Project implementation to ensure success of the Project.

    Ensures regular monitoring of the Project implementation for quality and timeliness and undertakes necessary administrative response.

    Represents the Project at all kinds of management, public and visibility events.

    Provides Project-related information for the UN and UNFPA communications activities, including news, press announcements, press releases, summaries/overviews, presentations.

    Prepares all kinds of Project reports required by the UNFPA guidelines.

    Performs other Project-related tasks requested by the UNFPA Assistant Representative.

    How to apply

    Only nationals of Ukraine fully matching the above requirements will be considered for the post hereby announced. Candidates must complete a P-11 United Nations Personal History form. We also welcome descriptive curricula vitae from candidates. You may send your application via e-mail to: ukr@unfpa.org

    Please clearly indicate the post title to which you apply in the subject of your message.

    Deadline for application: 27 January 2008

    We will only be able to respond to those applicants in whom UNFPA has a further interest.
    For more information about UNFPA and its work please visit www.unfpa.org and www.unfpa.org.ua

    Контактная информация:
    You may send your application via e-mail to: ukr@unfpa.org
    Реклама на сайте

    Последние вакансии:

    работа в Харькове: менеджер по рекламе
    работа в Киеве: Project Associate
    работа в Киеве: Project Secretary
    работа в Киеве: монтажник электронной аппаратуры
    работа в Киеве: инженер -электронщик
    работа в Киеве: Главный бухгалтер
    работа в Киеве: водитель с личным авто
    работа в Киеве: Финансовый аналитик , Заместитель Финансового директора
    работа в Чернигове: Интервьюер
    работа в Киеве: Офис менеджер
    работа в Киеве: корректор
    работа в Киеве: корректор
    работа в Киеве: Distribution Director
    работа в Киеве: директор по капстроительству
    работа в Киеве: корректор
    работа в Киеве: корректор
    работа в Киеве: торговый представитель
    работа в Киеве: Менеджер по продажам
    работа в Киеве: Администратор рецепции
    работа в Киеве: руководитель транспортного отдела

    Последние резюме:

    работа в Киеве: Водитель
    работа в Киеве: ЮРИСТ
    работа в Киеве: менеджер по логистике
    работа в Запорожье: NtТехнический ректор
    работа в Киеве: Снабженец
    работа в Киеве: Менеджер по продажам автомобилей
    работа во Львове: технолог
    работа в Одессе: Бухгалтер
    работа в Киеве: Водитель , сотрудник транспортного отдела
    работа в Киеве: Строитель
    работа в Киеве: Специалист по финансам , аналитик
    работа в Днепропетровске: операционист
    работа в Киеве: журналист
    работа в Киеве: журналист
    работа в Киеве: журналист
    работа в Киеве: Помощник руководителя , секретарь
    работа в Киеве: сборщик мебели
    работа в Харькове: Водитель ,персональный водитель
    работа в Киеве: помощник менеджера , офис -менеджер
    работа в Харькове: Менеджер . администратор

    Обратная связь:

    Официальный адрес электронной почты: info@estrabota.com.ua