Position: PHP Programmer
Alexander Suhomlinov
Education: High. Taganrog Radio-technical Institute, graduated in 1978. Electronic computing machines engineer.
PHP: including OOP, DOM, SimpleXML, Work with Patterns, PDF documents preparation (FPDF library)
JavaScript, including AJAX
Database: MySQL (including php MyAdmin), Access
Planning and realisation of the projects (including UML);
Graphic design for web-application: Adobe Creative Suite, Photoshop
http://www.kiev-market.com, (PHP, MySQL, JavaScript) - Design, develop and test user and administrator interfaces including interface for managing of the database.
http://www.virtmarket.net (PHP, MySQL, JavaScript) - Design, develop and test user and administrator interfaces including interface for managing of the database.
http://www.breezairconvair-easteur.com (PHP, MySQL, XML,
JavaScript, AJAX) - Design, develop and test user and administrator interfaces including interface for managing of the database.
Language: Ukrainian, Russian, English,– fluent; German, French -with dictionary
2005-2007 Hares Engineering Web-design, Software design, marketing
1990-2005 «Ukrimpex» Joint-Stock Company, chief of Computing and Telecommunication department. Duties: Computer and Information Service, Advertising, Sale of Electronic Device. Web-design, Software design
1982-1990 «Hidropribor» Institute, Kiev, chief engineer. Duties: design of electronic device and software.
1978-1982 «Microprocessor» Association, Kiev, engineer. Duties: design of electronic device and software.
Address: 252006, Kiev, Gorkogo str. Tel: 528-96-13 Mob tel: 067-405-83-72
Электронная почта suhomlinov@voliacable.com
Thank you very much for your attention to my resume.
Yours Faithfully,
Alexander Suhomlinov